Monday, November 19, 2012

Hostess is shutting down! Win or Fail....

Hostess has been around since 1930 and after 82 years of business they will be shutting down and filing bankruptcy.
My heart does go out to the thousands of folks who will be losing their jobs and their families.The main reason for closing 33 manufacturing bakeries, 565 distribution centers and thousands of delivery routes and outlet stores is due to the union strikes. Hostess says they are no longer profiting and need to cut wages and benefits, however the union workers disagree and have been on strike. Last week they had to close three plants and now will be filing for bankruptcy. Hostess also said that a major contributor to loss of profit is the many Americans now concerned with eating healthy. YAY!

Hostess is the producer of some major snack and bakery items found in many households including:

Now I will admit that I have done some serious indulging in their yummy, sugary, chocolaty treats. However I have jumped on the healthy bandwagon and have done extensive research in to what is really in our food. No matter how delicious something tastes, if it is packed with artificial ingredients, preservatives and high fructose corn syrup I will no longer be purchasing it. It has been quite some time since Hostess products have made an appearance in my home.

Let's discuss Twinkies. They last for can this be natural?. How can so many people like to eat these baked treats when they contain high fructose corn syrup, modified corn starch, three different soy derivatives and has filler ingredients that are more closely linked with petroleum than an actual food group?

I believe it is due to the general public not keeping themselves informed or having enough worry to do the research.
So, in my opinion, I feel no pity for Hostess closing. In fact I think it is a good thing that a company who provides so many unhealthy and artificial foods is going out of business. Less crap on our grocery store shelves and a definite WIN for those of us who are becoming more health conscience.

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